Sunday, January 8, 2012


We know it take two to make a baby, but sometimes that one person doesn't stick around to raise that baby. This blog is not to dog men out. This blog is to inform the men that choose not to stick around. while I was researching this topic I came across a website: http://www.bluelightru/vb/threads, a female that went by the name of LuckyStrike from Chandler AZ shared her feelings about growing up without a dad since the age of three:

"I haven't seen my father since i was 3 years old. i have self esteem issues, trust issues and it seems like i need constant reassurance from men (attention, flirting, etc). i feel that relationships don't last forever. there's no such thing as a happy family that lives in the perfect little house with the white picket fence. i have a tendency of being in long term relationships (2 years+) but i end up sabotaging them because of my own fear of being left. i need constant reassurance that I'm wanted and luckily i have a great boyfriend that does so, but i often find myself wanting to leave him just because i don't want to get left".
"people often see me as a confident, happy person but it's not really how i feel deep down inside. i feel like i constantly have to put on some type of facade in order to cover up how i really feel. I'm not an overly depressed person or anything. i have a lot of friends and I'm generally well liked. but i have a lot of anxiety and i can't help but wonder if it stems from me having a fatherless childhood".

Here are some statistics that stream from an absent dad:A survey of 720 teenage girls found:
* 97% of the girls said that having parents they could talk to could help reduce teen pregnancy.
* 93% said having loving parents reduced the risk.
* 76% said that their fathers were very or somewhat influential on their decision to have sex.
- Children in single parent families are more likely to get pregnant as teenagers than their peers who grow up with two parents.

I myself did not have a male figure in my life growing up. Unfortunately my dad has been incarcerated for most of my life. I can say I made some bad choices in my life while i was an adolescent. I'm not ashamed to say these things. I know life would have been better with my dad around but it has only made me a stronger person and a stronger women. It has been know for women to have relationship problem and problems in trust due an absent father.
If you are man enough to make a baby, be "MAN" enough to step up and show that little girl her worth and guide her the right way to create a strong confident WOMEN.


Anonymous said...

Too many children are growing up today without a male role in their lives. A family that stays togethers children grow up with a more balanced insight to what it means to raise a family and grow together while at the same time teaching the children about life, and what it means to be a real family. Even in the best of families though it doesn't mean that things will be a bed of roses and the kids will grow up to be model citizens. I have watched women struggle to raise their children the right way, and they do a great job. But the children know there is someone missing in their life...If a man doesn't want to have a child and all the responsibilities that go with raising a child and teaching them morals then he should not lay down with the woman. Fatherhood, just like Motherhood is a full time job.
For a little girl, being deprived of a male role in my own opinion makes her lack self esteem and a mentor to guide the child to believe in the family way of living as a whole. Raising a family someday herself and probably becoming another statistic of a baby having a baby. Unfortunately this has been the norm of teen-age pregnancies...A Mom with no kind of male influence in their child's life will not be able to control her children when they reach a certain age unless she is a STRONG woman. There is such a HUGE difference a male role in the house has on All the children...especially daughters.

*NATASHA* said...

Yes Dorothy This is so True :) thank you for taking you time out to read and comment <3